
最后更新日期:11月. 2, 2023


Presentation of Financial Results Progress under Management Plan for the 2Q of FY2023


While falling each fiscal year from the 3Q to the 4Q in the 电子产品 field due to seasonal factors, 在这种情况下,预计销售额不会下降那么多. 原因是什么?

(清水)采取比较保守的方法, we anticipate that the increase in sales attributable to new product opportunities built up over the 2Q will continue into the 3Q and 4Q. 受中国新年的影响,十大赌博娱乐平台预计发货将会停滞. 就第三季度和第四季度之间的平衡而言, 预计第四季度的销售额将略有下降.

  • *UIEP公司:城市基础设施 & 环保产品公司
你所说的新的非液晶产品机会到底是什么意思? 生物基胶带主要用于哪些产品? 你认为未来哪些应用会引发增长?

电子领域的新产品包括Selfa®, a material applied to highly adhesive and easy-to-release tapes used in semiconductor processing, 以及由植物衍生材料制成的生物基胶带. These types of new products are being applied to smartphones and electronic devices. We believe that demand for bio-based adhesive tapes will continue to expand as the number of customers that are looking to address environmental concerns increases.

What is behind the 108% growth in automotive high-performance interlayer film sales in the 4Q in the 流动性 field?

首先,汽车生产预计将恢复. 此外, the rate of growth reflects the slight downturn in demand in the corresponding period of the previous year.

The Group has explained that high-performance interlayer films with outstanding design features and heat insulation interlayer films will grow. 这种增长是否也有可能集中在第四季度?

(Shimizu) We are seeing progress in the application of high-performance interlayer films largely for EVs. This progress is gradually expanding from the 2Q to the 3Q and from the 3Q to the 4Q.

What are your thoughts on automobile conditions and trends by region and in particular your outlook for the 2H?

(Shimizu)就高性能层间膜而言, 预计下半年中国的情况将略有减弱. 相比之下,欧洲、日本和亚洲的趋势预计将有所改善. 转向主要用于hud的层间膜, 十大赌博娱乐平台预计增长将均匀分布在所有地区.

What are the reasons behind SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION’s projected return to the black on a non-consolidated basis from the 4Q? 你对下一个财政年度有何展望?

(Shimizu)每月的飞机产量正在逐渐增加. Announcements also indicate that production will continue to expand over 2025 and 2026. SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION决心满足这一需求. Beginning with a return to the black on a non-consolidated basis from the 4Q of the fiscal year under review, the company is projected to return to the black for the full fiscal year on a consolidated basis from 2024.

You previously mentioned that investments are required for SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION to address the increase in demand. Can we assume that the company will report a profit after absorbing this expenditure?

(清水)在目前的情况下, we believe that demand can be met without much in the way of substantial capital expenditure. 虽然需要确保人力资源, 第二季度基本完成了人员招聘. 正在为需要高度熟练程度的程序提供培训, 十大赌博娱乐平台相信,未来的生产率将会提高.


预计展览会参观人数不会增加. What then are the reasons behind the projected recovery in rebuilding orders in the 2H?

(Kamiyoshi) While the overall rebuilding market is gradually declining and conditions are extremely harsh, we believe that our ability to address rebuilding demand through high-performance and environmentally friendly products and services is effective. 前进, 十大赌博娱乐平台将继续开展各种活动, including advancing our Smart House products and promoting resilience as well as introducing high-end products in urban area where the incidence of rebuilding is high in a bid to secure orders.

您对零部件成本趋势有何看法? 有迹象表明钢铁和其他原材料价格会下跌吗? 日元贬值的影响是什么?

(Kamiyoshi) We believe that conditions for steel and timber will be flat for the fiscal year. The need to lift component prices is becoming increasingly evident owing to such factors as the high cost of raw materials, 公用事业公司, 运输费用, 以及外汇汇率的波动. 十大赌博娱乐平台预计总体情况不会改善. 除了, the yen's depreciation is not anticipated to significantly change from current levels.

The effects of measures aimed at strengthening profitability are expected to continue through to FY2025. 2024财年和2025财年将实施哪些措施?

(Kamiyoshi) The color-coded bar graph on page 22 of the presentation materials plots the effects from FY2023 to FY2025. We have taken steps to shift mainly human resources in the new housing business to growth domains in the 1H of FY2023 and plan to continue this shift in the 2H. 这将生成\1.50亿美元. 除了, 制定了优化生产结构的计划, 从第四季度的木制框架产品开始, 并从2024财年及以后逐步推进. 此外, we will expand DX and automation at factories in a bid to improve productivity. 就十大赌博娱乐平台的产品策略而言, 十大赌博娱乐平台将加强产品的面积, maintain the number of orders by taking full advantage of the benefits of nationwide expansion, and work to increase unit prices through such measures as strengthening apartment buildings. 展望2025年, 十大赌博娱乐平台将采取措施加强采购,采用替代组件, 寻求从多个供应商采购, 并实施多种措施, 包括分销渠道的改变.


How do you see the impact of the influenza epidemic in 日本 compared to last year?

(高桥)虽然确实很普遍, 与去年相比,预计情况将略有改善. 考虑到去年疫情的有限影响, 销售代理们看到了库存的增加. 实际发货预计将在不久的将来开始.

尽管新的COVID-19产品在美国的授权延迟.S.在美国,销售已于8月开始. 你对下半年的前景如何?

(高桥)十大赌博娱乐平台正在抢占OTC市场的份额, 包括药店, 电子商务, 以及政府招标相关市场. Sales in the 2H are expected to be lower than in 2021, when the epidemic was most prevalent.


SEKISUI 化学 Group announced an increase in dividends and the additional purchase of treasury shares despite little change from previous performance forecasts. 这背后的原因是什么?

(Kato) SEKISUI 化学 Group upwardly revised its full fiscal year bottom line by \5 billion in July on the back of such factors as the gain on sale of available-for-sale securities. Confident in our ability to achieve this and in light of our commitment to securing a dividend payout ratio of 40% under the current Medium-term Management Plan, 十大赌博娱乐平台宣布了增加股息的细节. 就公司的库存股而言, 十大赌博娱乐平台一贯承诺采取灵活的办法. 考虑到十大赌博娱乐平台的上半年业绩和现金状况, we have resolved to acquire additional shares at this time with a view to proactive implementation.